Online Education

As we all know is to implement educational  programs  online. Where you as learners can study anywhere online without having to  be present  in kelaskonvensional.

Is online education more appropriate?

Let's see. There are two practical reasons why people choose online education.

1) Time. Between work, family, and life, there is not enough time to attend school.
2) Money. Time is important, and more than that, save money also has been a priority.

This is not the only reason. Here are some important factors to consider when considering an online education.

1. Flexibility - Students online can be more flexible with lots of class schedules and attendance. Students have the freedom to attend class at a time and place most convenient to them is an online class which can be accessed anywhere.
2. Accessibility - the online learning materials accessible to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows the students to review lectures, notes, discussions and comments when needed.

8 Response to "Online Education"

  1. dpny says:

    Some great points to think about here. Thanks for the great post, looking forward to reading more.

    Online training nowadays is a practical way. Yes, indeed, it is practical especially to those who are needed at the house and yet you are hungry for education. Our dear moms who are looking for fulfillment should fir on this program.

    nice info nduk? :P

    Personally the thing which i like most about online learning is its low cost anyone can easily afford it.

    You have written a cool and interesting post no doubt about that.

    Online education has actually changed how adults and kids can learn even if they unable to attend normal offline class due to disabilities or other personal reasons that can't give them outside access. Now they can enjoy the benefit of learning right in their home.

    Everyone know that, time and money is precious in our life. Now a day, no one interested to waste time and money in the fast world. Even me too.

    Nice post do you have more of this?

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