Star signs
In astronomy, the star signs are a ring of constellations that matches up with the ecliptic. If you don't know what the eliptic is, it's a fancy way of describing what path the Sun takes across our sky. If you watch the sun over the course of a day, you might notice that it rises and sets at an angle. It doesn't rise and set by rising straight up and then dropping straight down. It's almost like it has a "set" course to travel, like a train on tracks. This set of "tracks" the sun follows is the eliptic. The Moon and planets also lie on the ecliptical path and can be seen floating around the constellations .
Star signs are divided into equal zones and you can see these divisions by taking a look at the picture here. These zones actually correspond with our calendar year (January-December) and every month is assigned its own different sign. Each of The star signs are said to have specific personality traits and compatible matches depending on when they were born. In my own experience, by studying human behavior, these star sign descriptions tend to be spot on.
Star signs are divided into equal zones and you can see these divisions by taking a look at the picture here. These zones actually correspond with our calendar year (January-December) and every month is assigned its own different sign. Each of The star signs are said to have specific personality traits and compatible matches depending on when they were born. In my own experience, by studying human behavior, these star sign descriptions tend to be spot on.
The divisions of the ecliptic into astrological signs started in Babylon during the first half of the 1st millennium BC.