39th Annual American Music Awards 2011

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American Music Awards

In 1973 he began a Dick Clark American Music Awards, an honor that has been designed to compete with Grammy during the CBS broadcast of the show received the award. The first two Grammy Awards broadcast was on ABC, but after moving to CBS, ABC has developed a program, awards to call his own. American Music Awards was born to fill the void, and hosts in the first year the ceremony was Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond. Since then, the show usually featured several hosts’ representatives from different genres, but the newer ceremonies featured a guest spot. In 2009, without ceremony featured guest at all, instead of inviting a number of famous people learn about every honor.

The aim of these awards, except that compete with the fact that ABC lost, was to celebrate the whole spectrum of musical deal, recognizes outstanding achievement in all genres of American music, from traditional country to rap to hard rock. Although the name American Music Awards, the name refers more to the music lovers in America, an exclusive destination for American artists. Several international artists have been praised for their popularity in the United States, including Elton John, Celine Dion, Spice Girls and Shakira.

Unlike the Grammy nomination for his decision and the winners of votes from members of the entertainment industry, the American Music Awards nominations for sales, airplay, social network activity, views and video material released during the eligibility period from Dec. 1 year prior to September the ceremonial first price more. Data used Radio & Records and Nielsen SoundScan, trade publication that tracks music sales, which is used to determine candidates for the year. Until 2007, the AMA would then determine the winner of the polls, according to polls more than 20,000 music buyers are who they thought should be honored every year, probably due to the AMA Awards more about popularity than artistic value, a Grammy trying to highlight. Using a national sample, as defined in the research and consulting firm, has become a national sample of votes distributed to 20,000 voters who were selected based on geography, age, nationality and gender, as tabulated by the accounting firm Ernst & Young LLP. In 2007, online voting available at the place of any member of the audience to choose their favorites and the winners were determined in this way since then.

Finally, beginning in 2003, twenty years after he appeared to compete with Grammy, so to avoid taking place in the middle of the Grammy Awards, the AMA decided to move their ceremony to the end of November, rather than have him go in January - does not want to compete only Grammy audience, but also a Golden Globe and an Oscar in the middle period of their prices. Go to the end of this year now allows ABC to not only have a high rating, it wants for its awards show broadcast, but these ratings are included in the corners of November.

American Music Awards Winners receive a crystal trophy in the shape of a pyramid. Roberta Flack was first awarded in 1973 as a Favorite Soul / Rhythm & Blues singer and favorite pop / rock with a Killing Me Softly. The other honoree at night Included Bing Crosby, Charley Pride, Diana Ross, Al Green, Carter Family, Carpenters, The Temptations, Lynn Anderson, Helen Reddy, Charley Pride, Jim Croce, Stevie Wonder, Charlie Rich, and Tony Orlando & Dawn. Other organizations and companies that want to make a similar crystal award is found on the internet at merchants such as Visual Awards.

'The Descendants' is a triumph

Shailene Woodley's rapport with George Clooney is one of the things that makes this film go.
 A guaranteed multiple Oscar nominee & the film that cements Alexander Payne as of the top filmmakers of his generation (as if they weren't already there with "Election," "About Schmidt" & "Sideways"), "The Descendants" is nothing short of a masterpiece.It's everything that a great film ought to be: beautifully acted & directed, comic, touching, heartbreaking &, most of all, true.Not only that, but it is George Clooney's best work to date & further highlights his status as the rarest of Hollywood hybrids: the film star-actor.In the opening voiceover, Matt King (Clooney) attempts to dispel the idea of Hawaii as a paradise, pointing out that Hawaiians get cancer & deal with heartaches, homelessness & every other modern issue that the remainder of the world has. Living in Hawaii doesn't make them hurt any less. It is a lesson to learn, because while the film that follows makes use of Hawaiian landscapes, people & most of all music to great effect. None of these dulls the emotions & experiences that the film evokes.Matt's spouse, Elizabeth, is the victim of a boating accident, rendering her comatose, & they suddenly finds himself in charge of 10-year-old Scotty (Amara Miller) & 17-year-old Alexandra (Shailene Woodley). They considers himself the "backup parent," but it is time for him to step up, something he is clearly not prepared for.Despite the dark & not remotely comic subject matter of a relatives whose wife/mother lies in a coma, "The Descendants" manages to be mournful without being maudlin, comic in the face of tragedy without being insensitive, & a thoroughly enjoyable film without sacrificing drama, character development, story or honesty.A lesser team than Payne & his cast might have swung far in to melodrama & ended up in a slog through long monologues about emotion & relationships, but screenwriters Payne, Nat Faxon & Jim Rash (the film is based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings) have created an honest & entertaining portrait of a relatives in crisis.

While they has committed to living modestly ("give your babies money so that they can do something but not so that they can do nothing" is of his mottos), Matt is as close to Hawaiian royalty as a (mostly) white man can get. They can trace his family's lineage to both King Kamehameha and the islands' first white settlers.As part of their Hawaiian legacy, Matt and his extended relatives of cousins (including Cousin Hugh, Cousin Ralph, Cousin Hal, Cousin Milo, Cousin Stan, Cousin Wink, Cousin Six, Cousin Dave and Cousin Connie) own the largest remaining tract of pristine land on Kauai, which is being held in a trust. However, time is walking out on said trust, and Matt must select what to do with it. Sell to developer A or developer B? Don't sell and bequeath it to the state, although plenty of of the cousins require the money from a sale? It is a dilemma that adds to his familial stress.To top it all off, Alex clues him in to the fact that before his accident, Elizabeth had been cheating on him. Not only is the spouse they loves in a coma, she is been betraying him, and there is no way for him to confront her. The scenes where Clooney vents at his comatose spouse are heartbreaking, and they is note-perfect as the cuckolded husband who has to method his anger, grief, love and loss simultaneously.These various storylines and others, including what part Elizabeth's lover (Matthew Lillard) plays in all of this, ebb and flow with natural grace and rhythm, taking us along for a memorable ride.The supporting cast is so loaded with exceptional performances that to sing all their praises might appear like overkill. However, deserve special praise. Woodley, as troubled but clever Alex, gives the most authentic and moving adolescent female performance in years.

Away at boarding school when the accident happens, Alex is a girl with a troubled past (drinking, drugs) & present, seeing as she is been keeping her mother's infidelity secret, despite the fact that they loathed her brother for betraying her brother. Now, while Matt is dealing with the emotions brought on by a dying spouse whom they cannot even speak with, Alex is processing her own emotions about her brother while co-parenting her more youthful brother.Woodley accomplishes this with odd class, grace & natural talent. She is got the "f*** you!" attitude familiar to parents of a teenager & the burgeoning parental & caring instincts of an adult. Her rapport with Clooney is of the things that makes this film go.And then there is Sid. Played by newcomer Nick Krause, Sid is the mate Alexandra calls to help her through the hard times, & well, he is kind of an fool & kind of not & kind of exactly what the film needs. He is goofy but earnest, clueless & caring &, most important, knows what Alex is going through. They also delivers (& receives) a number of the film's best lines.Sid's nemesis, for lack of a better word, is Elizabeth's brother, Scott (Robert Forster). Played with steely incorrigibility, Scott has blinders on when it comes to his daughter & blames Matt for her condition, proposing that the accident was Matt's fault because they didn't buy her her own boat. He is going through something no parent ought to, the imminent death of a kid, & he is not afraid to speak his mind.Scott's vocal anger toward Matt & cranky old-man persona (complete with beige support socks) hides a grief that plays itself out entirely behind Forster's squinty eyes. It is a devastating performance & pitch ideal.And that is the crux of what makes this film so magnificent. much everyone out there knows, to a sure extent, what these characters are going through. Most of us have lost somebody. A parent, most of the time, or a kid, sibling or partner.To be personal for a moment, I lost both of my parents in the coursework of the past six years, & in its way, like some truly great art can, this film has helped me method their loss a small more. Obviously, everyone's experiences are one-of-a-kind, but there's sure near-universal truths that inhabit these types of situations. "The Descendants" presents them in natural, comfortable &, best of all, memorable ways.

Foto-foto ulat bulu yang unik

sumber: http://hermawayne.blogspot.com/2010/10/foto-foto-ulat-bulu-yang-unik.html

5 Generasi Dalam Sejarah Komputer

Komputer adalah alat yang dipakai untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan. Kata computer semula dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan orang yang perkerjaannya melakukan perhitungan aritmatika, dengan atau tanpa alat bantu, tetapi arti kata ini kemudian dipindahkan kepada mesin itu sendiri. Asal mulanya, pengolahan informasi hampir eksklusif berhubungan dengan masalah aritmatika, tetapi komputer modern dipakai untuk banyak tugas yang tidak berhubungan dengan matematika.

Secara luas, Komputer dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu peralatan elektronik yang terdiri dari beberapa komponen, yang dapat bekerja sama antara komponen satu dengan yang lain untuk menghasilkan suatu informasi berdasarkan program dan data yang ada. Adapun komponen komputer adalah meliputi : Layar Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse dan Printer. Tanpa printer komputer tetap dapat melakukan tugasnya sebagai pengolah data, namun sebatas terlihat di layar monitor belum dalam bentuk print out.

Dalam definisi seperti itu terdapat alat seperti slide rule, jenis kalkulator mekanik mulai dari abakus dan seterusnya, sampai semua komputer elektronik yang kontemporer. Istilah lebih baik yang cocok untuk arti luas seperti “komputer” adalah“yang memproses informasi” atau “sistem pengolah informasi.”

Saat ini, komputer sudah semakin canggih. Tetapi, sebelumnya komputer tidak sekecil, secanggih, sekeren dan seringan sekarang. Dalam sejarah komputer, ada 5 generasi dalam sejarah komputer.

1. Generasi Pertama (1944-1959)
Tabung hampa udara sebagai penguat sinyal, merupakan ciri khas komputer generasi pertama. Pada awalnya, tabung hampa udara (vacum-tube) digunakan sebagai komponen penguat sinyal. Bahan bakunya terdiri dari kaca, sehingga banyak memiliki kelemahan, seperti: mudah pecah, dan mudah menyalurkan panas. Panas ini perlu dinetralisir oleh komponen lain yang berfungsi sebagai pendingin.

Dan dengan adanya komponen tambahan, akhirnya komputer yang ada menjadi besar, berat dan mahal. Pada tahun 1946, komputer elektronik di dunia yang pertama yakni ENIAC selesai dibuat. Pada komputer tersebut terdapat 18.800 tabung hampa udara dan berbobot 30 ton. begitu besar ukurannya, sampai-sampai memerlukan suatu ruangan kelas tersendiri.

Pada gambar nampak komputer ENIAC, yang merupakan komputer elektronik pertama di dunia yang mempunyai bobot seberat 30 ton, panjang 30 M dan tinggi 2.4 M dan membutuhkan daya listrik 174 kilowatts.

2. Generasi Kedua (1960-1964)
Transistor merupakan ciri khas komputer generasi kedua. Bahan bakunya terdiri atas 3 lapis, yaitu: “basic”“collector” dan “emmiter”. Transistor merupakan singkatan dari Transfer Resistor, yang berarti dengan mempengaruhi daya tahan antara dua dari 3 lapisan, maka daya (resistor) yang ada pada lapisan berikutnya dapat pula dipengaruhi. Dengan demikian, fungsi transistor adalah sebagai penguat sinyal. Sebagai komponen padat, tansistor mempunyai banyak keunggulan seperti misalnya: tidak mudah pecah, tidak menyalurkan panas. Dan dengan demikian, komputer yang ada menjadi lebih kecil dan lebih murah.

Pada tahun 1960-an, IBM memperkenalkan komputer komersial yang memanfaatkan transistor dan digunakan secara luas mulai beredar di pasaran. Komputer IBM-7090 buatan Amerika Serikat merupakan salah satu komputer komersial yang memanfaatkan transistor. Komputer ini dirancang untuk menyelesaikan segala macam pekerjaan baik yang bersifat ilmiah ataupun komersial. Karena kecepatan dan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, menyebabkan IBM 7090 menjadi sangat popular. Komputer generasi kedua lainnya adalah: IBM Serie 1400, NCR Serie 304, MARK IV dan Honeywell Model 800.

3. Generasi Ketiga (1964-1975)
Konsep semakin kecil dan semakin murah dari transistor, akhirnya memacu orang untuk terus melakukan berbagai penelitian. Ribuan transistor akhirnya berhasil digabung dalam satu bentuk yang sangat kecil. Secuil silicium yag mempunyai ukuran beberapa milimeter berhasil diciptakan, dan inilah yang disebut sebagai Integrated Circuit atau IC-Chip yang merupakan ciri khas komputer generasi ketiga. Cincin magnetic tersebut dapat di-magnetisasi secara 1 arah ataupun berlawanan, dan akhirnya men-sinyalkan kondisi “ON” ataupun “OFF” yang kemudian diterjemahkan menjadi konsep 0 dan 1 dalam system bilangan biner yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh komputer. Pada setiap bidang memory terdapat 924 cincin magnetic yang masing-masing mewakili 1 bit informasi. Jutaan bit informasi saat ini berada di dalam 1 chip tunggal dengan bentuk yang sangat kecil.

Komputer yang digunakan untuk otomatisasi pertama dikenalkan pada tahun 1968 oleh PDC 808, yang memiliki 4 KB (kilo-Byte) memory dan 8 bit untuk core memory.

4. Generasi Keempat (1975-Sekarang)
Microprocessor merupakan chiri khas komputer generasi keempat yang merupakan pemadatan ribuan IC ke dalam sebuah Chip. Karena bentuk yang semakin kecil dan kemampuan yang semakin meningkat dan harga yang ditawarkan juga semakin murah. Microprocessor merupakan awal kelahiran komputer personal.

Pada tahun 1971, Intel Corp kemudian mengembangkan microprocessor pertama serie 4004. Contoh generasi ini adalah Apple I Computer yang dikembangkan oleh Steve Wozniak dan Steve Jobs dengan cara memasukkan microprocessor pada circuit board komputer. Di samping itu, kemudian muncul TRS Model 80 dengan processor jenis Motorola 68000 dan Zilog Z-80 menggunakan 64Kb RAM standard. Komputer Apple II-e yang menggunakan processor jenis 6502R serta Ram sebesar 64 Kb, juga merupakan salah satu komputer PC sangat popular pada masa itu. Operating Sistem yang digunakan adalah: CP/M 8 Bit. Komputer ini sangat populer pada awal tahun 80-an.

IBM mulai mengeluarkan Personal Computer pada sekitar tahun 1981, dengan menggunakan Operating System MS-DOS 16 Bit. Dikarenakan harga yang ditawarkan tidak jauh berbeda dengan komputer lainnya, di samping teknologinya jauh lebih baik serta nama besar dari IBM sendiri, maka dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, komputer ini menjadi sangat popular.

5. Generasi Kelima (Sekarang – Masa depan)
Pada generasi ini ditandai dengan munculnya: LSI (Large Scale Integration) yang merupakan pemadatan ribuan microprocessor ke dalam sebuah microprocesor. Selain itu, juga ditandai dengan munculnya microprocessor dan semi conductor. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang membuat micro-processor di antaranya adalah: Intel Corporation, Motorola, Zilog dan lainnya lagi. Di pasaran bisa kita lihat adanya microprocessor dari Intel dengan model 4004, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, dan Pentium. Pentium-4 merupakan produksi terbaru dari Intel Corporation yang diharapkan dapat menutupi segala kelemahan yang ada pada produk sebelumnya, di samping itu, kemampuan dan kecepatan yang dimiliki Pentium-4 juga bertambah menjadi 2 Ghz. Gambar-gambar yang ditampilkan menjadi lebih halus dan lebih tajam, di samping itu kecepatan memproses, mengirim ataupun menerima gambar juga menjadi semakin cepat.

Pentium-4 diproduksi dengan menggunakan teknologi 0.18 mikron. Dengan bentuk yang semakin kecil mengakibatkan daya, arus dan tegangan panas yang dikeluarkan juga semakin kecil. Dengan processor yang lebih cepat dingin, dapat dihasilkan kecepatan MHz yang lebih tinggi. Kecepatan yang dimiliki adalah 20 kali lebih cepat dari generasi Pentium 3.

Packard Bell iXtreme 4140i merupakan salah satu PC komputer yang telah menggunakan Pentium-4 sebagai processor dengan kecepatan 1.4 GHz, memory RDRAM 128 MB, Harddisk sebesar 40 GB (1.5 GB digunakan untuk recovery), serta video card GeForce2 MX dengan memory 32 MB. HP Pavilion 9850 juga merupakan PC yang menggunakan Pentium-4 untuk processornya dengan kecepatan 1.4 GHz. PC Pentium-4 Hewllett-Packard ini dating dengan dominan warna hitam dan abu-abu. Dibandingkan dengan PC lainnya, Pavilion merupakan PC Pentium-4 dengan fasilitas terlengkap. Memory yang dimiliki sebesar RDRAM 128 MB, Harddisk 30 GB dengan monitor sebesar 17 inchi.

Sumber: kaskus.us

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