Disaster Tourism
Merapi after a little over his anger, and left a lot of heartache and sorrow, now changed charm. Being a tourist area of disaster! What is on our minds all? Ironic or fair? All can be reviewed further, but basically the disaster had left her grief and wounds, and also eliminates the citizens of the world treasures of the affected Merapi. Areas affected are then created a location - the location for the new tour, after another tour of Merapi disaster, namely Kaliadem. The location of the eruption of Merapi was attracted a number of local tourists, both from within and outside the region of Yogyakarta. They want to see directly with his own eyes the impact of the damage caused by the eruption of vomit material.
In the village Umbulharjo, District Cangkringan, Sleman, for example. It appears a number of residents and tourists are taking in the sights in the vicinity of Bridge Kali Kuning. The bridge that connects the village of Kaliurang Umbulharjo and it can no longer impassable by motor vehicles because it was severely damaged. Guardrail located on two sides of the bridge was also broken due to hit the tree trunk - a fallen tree caught a cold lava flow. The flow of spring water flowing down the Kali Kuning present on the surface of the bridge. Trees - tall trees that still stand at around the time buried in the sand. Therefore, residents and the tourists did not want to miss a chance to capture these sights with a camera. There is also a mere look - see. They - average come to that place on a motorbike. And will definitely be photographed with a pose like the other tours.
Tourism house Mbah Maridjan
Mbah Maridjan house in the village Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, devastated doused hot volcanic ash on the first eruption of Merapi, 26 October 2010. The beautiful hamlet caretaker almost razed to the ground. No one left the building, except the village mosque which still stands. Now, when Merapi gradually calm down, so Umbulharjo tourist attraction. People - people are curious to go there, look Mbah Maridjan hometown. However, it is not free. Visitors claim to have to pay USD 200 thousand to the citizens of the Village Umbulharjo they called a "safety costs". With the benefit of that, visitors will be escorted to the house Mbah Maridjan. Escort supposedly required for visitors not to be victims of looting or get lost among the debris - construction debris. Moreover, Umbulharjo still declared Merapi eruption-prone areas, even so the tourist area of Merapi disaster
Indeed, the victims of Merapi need funding that is not a little to start a new life, and can not be 100% to blame, our lives are also not trying to blame and think positive. If you do not want to spend the cost, yes it is better not to get there first, or if you want to go there, we went with the SAR team, which certainly would not be in drag escort fee. Keep show deep sorrow for the victims of Merapi, remove the impression of tourism for the fun - happy, until we remain a human being inhuman. Remember difficult at times happy, undoubtedly become a useful human being.