Remaja kota doyan ngeseks sebelum nikah

Remaja kota doyan ngeseks sebelum nikah
Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional menyatakan, angka kehamilan pada usia remaja semakin meninggi. Hal itu itu disebabkan oleh kurangnya pendidikan SEX yang sehat di kalangan remaja.

"Perilaku seksual yang tidak sehat di kalangan remaja di Indonesia khususnya yang belum menikah cenderung meningkat," ujar Kepala BKKBN Sugiri Syarif di Gedung Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Jl Kramat Raya, Jakarta, Selasa (12/2).

Sugiri mengatakan, menurut data Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia (SKRRI), sebanyak 1 persen remaja perempuan dan 6 persen remaja laki-laki menyatakan pernah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah.

"Bahkan menurut data Kementerian Kesehatan, 35,9% remaja mempunyai teman yang sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seks pranikah dan 6,9% responden telah melakukan hubungan seks pranikah," kata dia.

Selanjutnya, kata Sugiri, terdapat pola kenaikan angka perilaku seks pranikah yang cukup tinggi pada remaja di wilayah perkotaan. Sedangkan untuk daerah pedesaan, angka tersebut cenderung menurun.

"Tapi, angka perilaku seks pranikah di pedesaan masih dua kali lipat dibandingkan dengan di perkotaan," terang Sugiri.

Untuk menekan agar angka tersebut tidak semakin meninggi, kata Sugiri, BKKBN tengah menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa pihak, salah satunya PBNU. "Kami melihat PBNU memiliki potensi akar rumput yang cukup kuat," terang dia.

Lebih lanjut, Sugiri berharap, kerjasama ini dapat menekan semakin meningkatnya aktivitas seks pranikah di kalangan remaja. "Salah satunya melalui pendidikan seks," pungkas dia.

Pantai telanjang

Pantai Gunnison (New Jersey, US)
Pantai ini adalah satu-satunya pantai telanjang yang dilegalkan di negara bagian Amerika Serikat tersebut, serta menjadi bagian dari Gateway National Recreation Area di Sandy Hook. Datanglah lebih awal di pantai ini untuk mendapatkan tempat-tempat berjemur terbaik saat cuaca cerah. Anda juga bisa menjadi bagian dari komunitas lokal di sana, Friends of Gunnison, yang sering menjalankan berbagai aktivitas pantai yang menarik. Oh, semuanya telanjang di sini.

Euphoria Companions

Euphoria Companions memiliki berbagai layanan khusus dirancang untuk menyediakan klien dengan tempat yang sempurna untuk bersenang-senang dengan pengawalan pilihan mereka dari koleksi eksklusif kami.

Berbagai layanan kelas tinggi termasuk pengawalan mewah, acara dan persahabatan perjalanan dan layanan dipesan lebih dahulu lainnya yang dapat disesuaikan sesuai selera apapun. Jika Anda adalah pengunjung ke London atau orang dari kota-kota di mana sahabat kita berada, mengapa tidak mencoba layanan limusin eksklusif dan menikmati pemandangan di dalam dan di luar! Jika Anda membutuhkan seorang gadis yang menakjubkan untuk menemani Anda ke acara bisnis atau sosial, maka Anda perlu tidak terlihat lagi, anak perempuan kami tidak hanya telah dipilih untuk keanggunan dan kecanggihan tetapi juga untuk kepribadian mereka keluar tapi bijaksana. Juga spesialis dalam liburan dan sahabat dapat mengatur yang terbaik dari akomodasi untuk membuat Anda tetap pengalaman impian Anda - kunjungi halaman concierge kami untuk melihat berbagai layanan profesional. Sahabat kami sangat ingin bertemu dengan Anda karena mereka semua mencintai apa yang mereka lakukan, dan benar-benar memuja penemanan gentlemen.

Seperti yang akan Anda lihat, kita memiliki pilihan yang luas dan beragam dari pengawalan indah dari seluruh dunia yang telah secara khusus dipilih dengan penekanan pada kombinasi kepribadian yang luar biasa dan terlihat menakjubkan untuk menyediakan klien kami dengan pengalaman yang luar biasa dan mengesankan. Kami menempatkan pengawal kami melalui prosedur pemeriksaan ketat untuk memastikan mereka memenuhi standar tinggi yang klien kami harapkan dari mereka. Pendamping menakjubkan kami adalah sempurna untuk setiap kesempatan; apakah Anda ingin malam yang tenang di atau cantik di lengan Anda di acara sosial. Setiap pengawalan di situs web kami yang indah, bijaksana, sensual, ramah dan berpikiran terbuka. Semua keunggulan dari pengalaman Euphoria.

Mengapa tidak memesan salah satu pendamping kami untuk membuat pengalaman Anda benar-benar gembira.

Star signs

In astronomy, the star signs are a ring of constellations that matches up with the ecliptic. If you don't know what the eliptic is, it's a fancy way of describing what path the Sun takes across our sky. If you watch the sun over the course of a day, you might notice that it rises and sets at an angle. It doesn't rise and set by rising straight up and then dropping straight down. It's almost like it has a "set" course to travel, like a train on tracks. This set of "tracks" the sun follows is the eliptic. The Moon and planets also lie on the ecliptical path and can be seen floating around the constellations .

Star signs are divided into equal zones and you can see these divisions by taking a look at the picture here. These zones actually correspond with our calendar year (January-December) and every month is assigned its own different sign. Each of The star signs are said to have specific personality traits and compatible matches depending on when they were born. In my own experience, by studying human behavior, these star sign descriptions tend to be spot on. 

The divisions of the ecliptic into astrological signs started in Babylon during the first half of the 1st millennium BC.

Sony Playstation 4 / PS 4 be released soon

You heard it here first: the PlayStation 4 is set to have a December 2012 release! Despite that fact that many are following the "ten year cycle" theory and anticipating a release date of 2014 or 2015, we have it on good word that it's much sooner. Many players should remember when Sony announced that the PlayStation 2 would be a 10-year project. However, the PS3 was released six years later. It is true that games were still created for the PS2 during the time of the PS3, but that did not stop Sony from introducing the PS3 during the time of the PlayStation 2. Now, the PS3 has just about reached its six-year mark, which is an indication that the Sony PlayStation 4 will be launching in 2012.

In fact, with the PS4 basically in production mode at this point, the big guns at Sony are already planning and conceptualizing a PS5 and PS6! But for now, let's focus on the PS4.

It's no surprise that Sony is in a rush to get the PlayStation 4 to hit the markets, since it's certainly in competition with Microsoft to step up its, well, game. As an interesting side note, the CEO of a graphics development company has hinted that this will be the case. Cevat Yerli, the CEO of Crytek, was interviewed during last year's Game Developers Conference in Germany. In the interview, Yerli noted that Crytek's wildly anticipated CryEngine3 graphics engine would be debuting in 2012. When asked whether this was being done in anticipation of the Sony PS4, Yerli demurred and said that he couldn't discuss the topic any further.


    3.2GHz CPU: Likely we'll only see an increase in clock speed if fabrication starts at 22nm. This will make it have an overall performance of around 500 GFLOPs for the whole cell processor at 3.2GHz.
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 560: This means more polygons, higher resolution textures and better effects.
    3D: The Sony PlayStation 4 will have full 3D support with 4K2K compatibility, and supports 3D Blu-Ray
    1 GB RAM: More than 1Gb isn't needed since there is a lot more VRAM this time, therefore there will be a more efficient use of the main RAM this time for other tasks for example watching a video, looking at pictures, going to the PlayStation store all while in a game
    Blu-Ray: Sony spent a lot of money developing Blu-ray, so no reason to ditch it now.
    2 to 4 USB 3.0 connections: Back up as much as 100 GBs of data and applications in half the time it currently takes

New Features:

Going Green

The Sony PlayStation 4 is said to be made of eco-friendly materials. The gaming console is expected to be made up to 60% of recyclable materials. Apart from that, it will also have an "Eco Start" feature, which will allow gamers to save and resume games, without having to switch off the console.

Additionally, it is choreographed to switch off every 30 minutes of no activity. The interesting part is that during this time, the console will self-charge automatically from a rechargeable cell. This not only saves energy, but also maintains and extends the life of the console.

Bye Bye Discs?

It's also of note that the PlayStation 4 could be the first console that won't require disks, or a physical game at all. There will still be a disk drive, but with the increasing popularity of downloading games combined with the lower cost, we expect you won't be using it very much. However it is backwards compatible, so you can continue to enjoy all your current favorites on the new PS4.

Making a Stylish Entrance

We also have good word that the PS4 is stepping up its game in the style department. Perhaps taking a cue from tablet computers, we're expecting PS4 skins to be a shining star with the PS4 release. To consumers, these gamers are going to want upper-quality covers to put onto their new PlayStation 4 machines to protect these expensive gaming systems from scratching. During recent years, trends in upper-quality laptop or electronics covers have been steadily moving towards elegant fashions and styles. Skins for the PlayStation 4 gaming system will be made in styles that will dress-out each PS4 in a unique manner.

Today, it is impossible to have a PS3 that is easily covered in precious gold, silver or jewels. Skin styles for the Sony PS4 may include real glittering gold, classy sterling silver or precious gemstones that are fashioned onto skin patterns. The technology for jewelry skins is being used today for other non-gaming applications. PlayStation 4 skins can glitter with diamonds, sparkle with rhinestones or have a GPS tracking chip included. Skin technologies are just now coming fantastic; PS4 skins will be truly awesome.


Motion sensing technology will continue to play a huge role, meaning games are going to be more immersive than ever. Finally, gamers can get a true first-person shooter experience, and even use motion sensing while playing online with friends.

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